Energy Leadership Index 360° Assessment

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How do energy levels and attitudes affect
YOUR performance and happiness?

The ELI 360° Assessment is a powerful tool that can help you change the way you view and respond to work and life challenges.

By changing your energy levels and attitudes, you can change your results and outcomes.

By changing your results and outcomes, you can change your impact and influence.

By changing your impact and influence, you can change your personal and professional life.

This is the power of energy leadership.

Energy leadership is not about position or authority. It is about awareness and choice. By becoming aware of yours and other’s energy levels and attitudes, you can choose to shift them to more supportive and productive ones.

Unlike personality tests that tell you “what” you are, the ELI 360° Assessment tells you HOW you're being perceived in the world around you.


By gathering feedback focused on key leadership competencies, from you, your colleagues and your direct manager.
This usable information is a tool to enable awareness of your energy and the energy of others. When you understand and harness this attitudinal and energetic shift, it allows you to become more collaborative, more inspirational, and more empowered!


Who benefits from taking this Assessment?

If you’ve already done “some work” and are ready to upgrade beyond the next level - to the highest level - this assessment is for YOU.

Instead of working from the outside in (adjusting external behaviors to influence internal perceptions), you will be approaching the root of the issue first (adjusting internal perceptions to influence external behaviors).

Are you ready?

ELI 360° Assessment
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This assessment is available to be taken by multiple individuals and leadership team members.
If you or your team would like to take part in this assessment, please get in touch with Desired Effects Coaching.


Can you identify your triggers and patterns?

How well do you know your strengths and weaknesses?

Do you know how to explore new perspectives and possibilities?

Are you able to confidently set goals and strategies for change?

The ELI 360° Assessment is more than just a tool for awareness; it is also a tool for transformation.

By taking the assessment, you can learn how to shift your energy levels between catabolic (energy that breaks down and drains) to anabolic (energy that builds up, fuels, and creates) as needed to support you and those around you more effectively!

By actively navigating your energy, you can increase your effectiveness and fulfillment as a leader and as a person.

This dynamic tool is not meant to be taken alone! When you take the ELI 360° Assessment, with the guidance of a certified ELI coach, you will get the help you need to interpret and understand your results and then create an action plan for improvement.

What’s included:

15-17 pages, focused on creating and developing solutions, and it provides you with your best starting point for immediate results!

This ELI 360° Assessment is concise.

It includes:

  • Personalized measurements in 36 attributes for leadership (rated by up to 20 of your colleagues, and your managers).

  • The Energetic Self-Perception Chart to help understand how to have better relationships, conversations, and interactions with the people around you.

  • A usable understanding of the differences between anabolic and catabolic energy.

  • A 2-hour one-on-one custom debrief (with a certified ELI coach) to gain clarity on your results

  • And a breakdown of how to utilize and apply all this information beyond your debrief.

ELI 360° Assessment
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