Time Management Series: Part 3 – Easy Wins 

Getting comfortable with managing our time takes focus and dedication, but it doesn't have to be as hard as we make it sometimes.

Instituting some simple aides to allow us to be more productive can help make even our least favorite tasks more manageable. 

Some of the best hacks are underutilized. Take, for instancetime tracking. There are a ton of apps, hints, and tips for tracking time, yet only 17% of people track their own time. That means 83% of people aren’t really aware of what they are spending their time on.

Here are a few tips for you to try out this week.

1. Organize your desk and computer files. A clean desk with properly labeled files will save you countless hours when you are searching for answers. Instead of checking multiple folders for that one piece of paper, you will check just one folder because it’s appropriately labeled. You’ll also know exactly which directory to search on the computer for your client’s missing file.

  • Don’t know where to begin? Either hire a professional organizer or tackle one drawer of your desk to start. 

2. Utilize commuting time wisely. While it may be tempting to catch some extra sleep on the train or bus, use this time to catch up on emails or put the finishing touches on that report that’s due. By the time you get to the office, your inbox will be organized, and you’ll have a clear plan of attack for the day.

  • You can also use the time to read or listen to your favorite book or magazine during commute time. Pull up a podcast or take a course and learn something new. Life doesn’t have to be all work and no fun! Time management is all about using your time wisely so you can enjoy your free time.

3. Use automated electronic equipment to save you time. Our time is valuable, no matter what job you have. There’s no shame in using technology to give yourself more free time with your family. Look to see if there's an easy, automated way to do a particular task. There are plenty of ways to automate repetitive tasks. Ask your colleagues or family for some ideas.

  • Some writers dictate articles on a digital recorder while on the treadmill, then voice recognition software transcribes their articles! Pretty neat, huh? Another example: if you send people the same emails repeatedly, create a template, so the computer does most of the heavy lifting for you.

4. Use a timer and set limits. Still, having a hard time convincing yourself to tackle that big project? Set a timer on your phone for 30 minutes. Work intensely during that time to accomplish as much as possible. When the timer goes off, allow yourself time for a break or to move on to a smaller project. When the timer chimes again, move onto yet another project. This is perfect for those people who like a constant change of pace.

5. Outsource tasks to others. If your budget allows, outsource – or hire – an expert to do the job you’re dreading. Getting help on a project can be one of the best things you can do for the job and for your stress level because you’re hiring an expert! Experts have the right tools and equipment to make the job go faster, and they also need to move quickly to get to the next customer on their schedule.

  • Hate raking leaves? Hire a landscaper. Hate cleaning your house? Hire a house cleaning service. Hate shoveling your driveway in the winter? Hire the teenagers down the street looking to earn some spending money.

Using time management hacks is a great way to work smarter, not harder. If you find yourself struggling, try implementing some of these tips to start knocking your to-do list out of the park. 

If you missed part one, click here: Part 1 – Procrastination

If you missed part two, click here: Part 2 – Organization

In part four, we are talking about behaviors that can help or hinder your time management goals.


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