Catabolic vs. Anabolic Leaders Series: Part 3 - Fire Fighter or Architect?

The comparison between anabolic and catabolic leaders continues with a look at how each type of leader approaches their everyday circumstances.

Catabolic leaders put out fires, but they are no heroes

Catabolic leaders work in crisis mode. They put out fires and deal with issues as they arise.  This reactivity leads to stress, lack of focus, and a non-productive, frenzied type of atmosphere. They don’t think much about where they’re headed, and even if they do, the “big picture” gets lost in the demands of the moment. (This was me back in 2008! Do you feel you are always putting out fires?)

Anabolic leaders create support around them to reach the sky

Anabolic leaders, on the other hand, plan ahead. They know exactly what they want to achieve, and have a plan to get there. Not only do they have a plan (and, as discussed in previous weeks, share it with others, while participating in the team effort themselves), they hold the others involved in the plan accountable for doing what they said they would do.

How planning ahead effects the team

Let’s take a closer look at those two components of anabolic leadership – having a plan, and holding the people involved in executing it accountable.

It’s often said that “if you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there.” The first step in having a plan is creating a vision of where you want to go. That vision is the ideal – but it’s vitally important to realize that getting from where you are to where you want to go may not be possible overnight – to get there, you need a roadmap, a plan of action.

Once the plan is decided upon, the crucial aspect of accountability comes into play. Accountability involves helping people keep the commitments they make. An anabolic leader creates a system of checking in with the people who are implementing a plan to make sure that they’re taking action. And, if they are not taking the agreed-upon action for some reason, an anabolic leader doesn’t blame but instead works on helping the person get through whatever blocks that need to be broken through.

The skills of creating attainable action plans and holding people accountable for carrying them out aren’t only useful in a business environment, but in the home as well. Imagine working with your child to create a plan on how to tackle a heavy school workload, and following up to make sure they take the actions they agreed to, in contrast to yelling at them to study the night before final exams.

Learning and practicing these two skills, creating plans and accountability, can transform you into the anabolic leader that you would like to be. Try it out this week, and you will be amazed at the outcome!

In case you missed it!

This month to help you increase your anabolic leadership skills, I am offering the Energy Leadership Index assessment and debrief for $249 through the end of July! The assessment is designed to give you the tools you need to take your life and leadership skills from “fine” to “fantastic.” 

The ELI allows people to literally re-write the rules that they live their lives by. For more information, or to sign up click here: Energy Leadership Information  

If you missed part one, click here: Part 1 - Managing vs. Leading

If you missed part two, click here: Part 2 - Information Sharing and Self-Assessing