Eliminate Distractions and Stay Focused at Work

People often ask me how I get through so much in a day and still have the energy to do more. So I thought I would take some time to talk about the best practices that help me be a powerhouse with reaching my goals.

The ability to concentrate and focus is at an all-time low. The distractions of the world are growing stronger each day. It’s too easy to entertain ourselves for an extended period. The ability to ignore distractions is a skill that takes time to develop. However, there are many things you can do to reduce the likelihood of becoming distracted at work. 

Whether you are working remotely or still in an office, distractions are everywhere! By improving your ability to focus on your work, you’ll have a huge advantage.

Enhance your ability to focus at work and get more accomplished:

Get a more comfortable chair. If you spend most of the day seated, be willing to spend some money on a good chair. Consider how many hours a day you sit at work over several years. Don’t be stingy with this. You sit in your work chair more than you watch your TV or ride in your car. How much did you spend on those?

  • If you’re comfortable, you’ll be less distracted. A sore back or rear-end will cut your productivity and your ability to focus. I’m not talking about slouching either! Over time that can add to your discomfort.

Know your priorities. Work on the essential items of business first. You can get more done in the first couple of hours than you will for the rest of the day. Distractions are less of an issue when doing low-level tasks like checking email and completing forms.

  • Do your most important work when your ability to ignore distractions is the greatest.

Use headphones. Not only can you block out the noise of your work neighbors, you can also choose to listen to something that will enhance your concentration. For most people, anything with words will be a distraction if you’re trying to think or write. Something new age or classical is better if you’ll be using your brain.

Show up to work on time. It’s hard to get caught up if you show up late to work. It’s also stressful and distracting. Improve your morning routine so you can consistently arrive at work on time.

Eliminate distractions on your computer and cell phone. Have a folder with all your commonly used short cuts. Remove any games that you like to play a little too much. Consider installing software that will allow you to block other programs or websites for a predetermined amount of time. It’s easy to let your computer and phone distract you, especially if no one is looking.

Take regular breaks. The optimal break schedule is roughly a 10-minute break each hour. However, it’s important to avoid taking your breaks in a way that will lead to distractions. Choose your chatting partners carefully. Choose your online activities carefully.

  • Avoid allowing a 10-minute break to turn into a 30-minute waste of time. Set your alarm to notify you when the 10 minutes are up.

Keep water and a snack near your desk. There’s nothing inherently wrong with taking a short break to get up and get a drink. Yet other things happen along the way. You get caught up in a conversation by the coffee station, or someone in the hallway asks you about your weekend. You can avoid social distractions by keeping the essentials with you at your desk.

Clean up your work area at the end of the day. End the day on a positive note and give yourself the best opportunity to start the following day well.

  • Another way to set yourself up for success in the morning is to make your to-do list for the next day before you leave. Then you can jump right in first thing.

Set boundaries with yourself and others. Sometimes others need your help, and sometimes others are looking to pass some time. Knowing the difference and setting limits on your time and attention will help keep you on track. Keep your eye on the prize, and you will begin to notice which conversations and tasks are helping you succeed and which are draining your time.

Studies have shown that those in an office environment only spend a few hours each day doing productive work. The rest of the time is spent on non-essential activities and things like getting coffee, talking with a cubicle mate, and playing on the internet.

As we begin to move back to the office or continue working from home, we have the opportunity to correct bad habits and start fresh.

Distractions are everywhere. By eliminating distractions and improving your ability to focus, you can rise above the crowd.