Using Self-Discovery to Achieve Your Goals

Self-reflection is the best way to understand how you show up in life. With all the change we are working through in our world today, taking time for self-discovery will be necessary to keep you focused on your end game, or at least figure out what your end game is now.

One of the best ways to learn about something is to ask questions. This method is especially convenient in this situation because you don’t have to go looking for an expert to answer your questions. You can answer them for yourself.

Why would you want to know more about yourself? There are many benefits, including greater satisfaction with your life! As they say, “The truth will set you free.”

So grab a pen and paper, set aside some time, and use these questions to learn more about yourself. Who knows, maybe it will help you live a more meaningful and happier life, it sure can’t hurt!

What are the mistakes I continue to make? Why?

It’s surprising how successful you can be without doing anything spectacular, provided you avoid repeating your mistakes.

How do I distract myself?

Knowing how you distract yourself can make you more aware of when you’re distracting yourself. You can also take steps to avoid distractions if you identify them.

What are my goals for the next month?

When you know your goals, you can effectively plan your day and ensure that you’re making progress.

What are my goals for the next five years?

To know your five-year goal, you need to think about your life and what you want. To achieve a long-term goal, it’s essential to mold your life around it.

What do I like about my life?

Answering this question makes you think about the good things in your life. It also makes you grateful and allows you to attract more of those good things.

What do I dislike about my life?

Knowing what you don’t like puts you in a position to consider how to make your life better.

What would I do if I weren’t afraid?

You’ll learn what it is you really want to do by asking yourself this question.

What would I change about my job?

What do you like and dislike about your job? What can you do to make your job better? Are you challenged in your position?

When I was a child, what did I want to do when I grew up?

Have you lost sight of what mattered to you when you were younger? Could your earliest plans still be relevant to your life now?

What activity or subject makes me lose track of time while I’m doing it?

These are the activities you love to do. If you could bring one of these activities into a career, you’d probably enjoy your life more.

If I gave myself advice, what would it be?

Imagine someone just like yourself with the same life. What would you tell them to do? The real trick is getting yourself to follow this advice!

What have I never done, yet would love to try?

Questions like this are a great way to add a little spice to your life. You may eventually regret not trying the things that interested you.

What characteristics do I believe I lack, and which would I love to have?

Whom do you admire, and why? How would your life be different if you had these same characteristics?

What do I worry about?

What are the sources of stress and concern in your life? What does this say about your life and yourself? What can you do to reduce the anxiety in your life?

The more you know about yourself, the better you can manage yourself. Discovering more about yourself also clarifies how you can bring greater joy and fulfillment into your life. 

If you haven’t made an effort to study yourself, you don’t know as much about yourself as you could. Getting to know yourself better can pay big dividends!